When it comes to branching out on the internet with business you want to get it right. There is nothing worse than spending hundreds or thousands of pounds for something that doesn’t work. This is what happens with ecommerce every single day. Businesses go looking for a web design company, get promised the works, pay a lot of money and then that’s it. You have a web site and that’s it, it just sits there. Only you and your colleagues can find it. I could say to you.. well done, you have just bought an expensive car and parked it. It’s not moving anywhere it’s just parked. Like a car you want to get in and drive it, but you find out you can’t.
So what does this mean? This means there are lots of web development companies that no nothing about a little thing in the business known as SEO, or many companies claim to know it and understand it but very few of them have actual experienced in it. They just build sites and that’s it, the rest is left to you to sort out. SEO is how a site works and ranks in the search engines. Without a SEO friendly website you can forget traffic and actual business from it. The worst offender is web designers that build you a whole site in Flash. It may look funky and cool, but search engines can’t read anything in Flash so your website may as well be invisible.
Like a car is useless without and engine, websites are useless with SEO. Ferrari owners would be a little upset if they opened the bonnet to find a fiat engine inside. When you get a website built you need to makes sure the site is built for search engines. Finding a company that does it and does is properly is very hard. One way around this would be to speak to a SEO expert and use their advice.
Also what is important to realise in the world of web is that code is free. In other words every bit of programming code you need to make your website do what you want is free. So if you get charged thousands and thousands of pounds for a new website you are getting ripped off. What costs is if you’re having a bespoke site because the design will need to be created and then it’s just the time to build it. There are plenty of templates to cut down the time it takes to build it. Also there is plenty of free content management software but many companies have their own bespoke ones.
The best way to find out if your web company knows about SEO and implements it is to ask for previous websites and ask for proof they work in the search engines. A company who builds websites should quickly and easily be able to give you a site they built which is on the front page of Google for many different search terms.
Once you’re happy you have a company that can build you a workable site, you then need to start planning your marketing strategy
. There are many ways to get your site to come up in Google, SEO PPC are just a couple. But remember even if you have a site built with the search engines in mind, like a car with an engine you need fuel to get it going, your website also needs internet marketing fuel too to get it moving.
Looking for SEO friendly ecommerce websites London? Moustique Design are an affordable freelance web development company offering SEO friendly Website Design
London.Content management systems (CMS), graphic design, website maintenance and hosting.
Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1785495_4.html
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